The DMCA establishes a legal process through which you can request us to remove content that violates your intellectual property rights. A valid DMCA Notice must present a specific SpotiPremiumAPK, you are required to send a written communication (via email) containing the information outlined below.
We wish to make it clear that if you make a significant misrepresentation that a piece of material infringes your copyright(s), you may be held responsible for damages, including expenses and attorney’s fees. Therefore, if you are uncertain about whether you hold the rightful copyright or if copyright laws protect your content, it is advisable to seek legal counsel.
If we have covered some content that you think belongs to you, we apologise for that. In that case, we assure it won’t happen again. If you happen to be the rightful owner of that content on our website, please contact us with your Name, Organization, Copyright Infringing URL, and Proof.
We assure you that we will remove said content within 24 hours.